Mr. Bracy's Webquest

You are about to embark on a journey that will take you to the heart of the Tragedy of Macbeth.  There has alway been intrigue and superstition surrounding this play.  It is considered bad luck for an actor to refer to it by name.  Instead it should be referred to as "the Scottish play."  Though Macbeth is relatively short, its complexity and mystery make many of its events, actions, and words debatable. 

The great warriors, Macbeth and his friend Banquo, come across three witches.  The witches predict their future, or do they?  The journey upon which you are about to embark will consider this debatable question.  Were their predictions a matter of Fate, of inevitability?  Or were they made true by Macbeth's freely chosen actions?  To find these answers, you and your classmates will assume different roles.  You will each become various characters in the play and will then come together as a group to answer and debate the main question:

Are the characters in the Tragedy of Macbeth victims of Fate or Folly?

Your instructions are on the next page.  Good luck!!