Mr. Bracy's Webquest

Lady Macbeth: "look like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under 't"

Your assignment:

Now that you are Macbeth's partner in crime you can begin your quest.  Please reread the specified scenes below and answer the questions.  These should be typed and handed in to me.  These questions should help you better empathize or understand Lady Macbeth's motivations and character.  When you have finished the questions it is then time to post your argument on the blog.  Remember, you will take the role of Lady Macbeth, so use evidence from the text and convince your peers that your argument is the correct one.  Good luck!!

Macbeth Text

Act One Scene 5
~What is Lady Macbeth's reaction to her husband's letter?
    ~Why does she fear Macbeth's "nature (16)"?
    ~In line 40-55, Lady Macbeth says some pretty strange things (line "unsex me here (48)" and "make thick my blood (50)").  What is she up to?
    ~Why would Lady Macbeth want her husband to kill the king?  What's in it for her?
    ~Do you think she believes in the witches?
Video Act One Scene 5
Act One Scene 7
~How does Lady Macbeth convince her husband to kill Duncan?
    ~Look at lines 53-67.  What does she say she is willing to do if they had a child?  Why would she say such an awful thing?
Video Act One Scene 7
Act Two Scene Two
~What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself?  What does this say about her character?
    ~How would you characterize her reaction to Macbeth's unstable behavior after the murder?
Video Act Two Scene Two
Act Three Scene Two
~Does Lady Macbeth know about Macbeth's plan to murder Banquo?
    ~Do you think she knows about Banquo's prophesy?
Act Three Scene Four Lines 162-176
~Macbeth tells her that he is going to see the Weird Sisters.  Lady Macbeth replies that Macbeth lacks "the season of all natures (173)."  Based on this, what do you think Lady Macbeth thinks of her husbands state of mind?
Act Five Scene One
~What has happened to Lady Macbeth?
    ~Put how she is feeling into your own words.
Video Act Five Scene One

Now that you have explored Lady Macbeth in more depth it is time to answer the big question: Are the characters victims of Fate or Folly?  You have seen her role in the murders.  Were her and her husband's actions just part of the prophesy, or did they make it come true?  As Lady Macbeth, please write your answer to this on the blog.