Mr. Bracy's Webquest

Malcolm: Prince of Cumberland and heir to the Throne

First, go to the link below to reread specific scenes of Malcolm.  After you have reread them, answer these questions. The specific questions need to be typed and handed in to me.  The big question should be posted on the blog.  Remember, you are Malcolm, so your voice should reflect that.  Defend your choices as if you were king's son and heir to the Throne of Scotland.

Macbeth Text

Act One Scene Four Lines 1-16
~What does Malcolm have to say about the traitor of Cawdor?
    ~Based on Duncan's order, what, if anything, do you think Malcolm learns from his father?
Act Two Scene Three Lines 114-172
~How would you describe how Malcolm is feeling right now?
    ~Why does neither Malcolm nor Donalbain consult with anyone else?
    ~Why would they flee the country?
Act Four Scene Three
~Why does Malcolm tell Macduff that he will be a more brutal king than Macbeth?
    ~What kind of person does Malcolm really describe himself as?
    ~Does he know who killed his father?
    ~How does he plan on taking revenge?
    ~By the end of the scene, how does Malcolm feel about Macduff?  What is their relationship?
    ~At the end of the scene Malcolm says, "the powers above/put on their instruments (279-80)."  Who are the powers above?  Could this be part of Fate or Free Will?
Act Three Audio Book
Act Five Scene Four
~Is it coincidence or Fate that Malcolm decides to use Birnham Wood as a protective cover?
Act Five Scene Eight
~Now that Malcolm is king, what kind of ruler will he be?  Will he be despotic, or kindhearted? 
    ~What do the last lines of the play tell us about Malcolm and the future of the kingdom?

Now that you have entered the mind of Malcolm go to the blog and make your argument.  Is he a victim of Fate or Folly?  Was his father's death inevitable, or was he a victim of Macbeth's will to become king?