Mr. Bracy's Webquest

Macbeth: Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter!

Your assignment:

First, go to the link below to reread specific scenes of Macbeth.  After you have reread them, answer these questions. The specific questions need to be typed and handed in to me.  The big question should be posted on the blog.  Remember, you are Macbeth, so your voice should reflect that.  Defend your choices as if you were Macbeth.

Macbeth Text

Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 39-175
~What does Macbeth learn from the witches prophesy?
    ~Banquo says, "good sir, why do start and seem to fear/things that do sound so fair?"  Why do you think Macbeth may fear what he has learned?
    ~Why might Macbeth be concerned with Banquo's prophesy?
    ~How would you describe Macbeth's thoughts in lines 140-155?
    ~What news angers Macbeth in lines 55-60?
Act 1 Scene 5 Lines 15-20
~What do we learn of Macbeth's character from Lady Macbeth?
Act 1 Scene 7
~How would you describe how Macbeth is feeling during this scene?
    ~What role does Lady Macbeth play is convincing Macbeth of committing murder?
Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 24-31, 44-77
~Why does Macbeth lie to Banquo here?
    ~What is a "dagger of the mind?"
Act 3 Scene 1 Lines 53-77
~Why is Macbeth afraid of Banquo and Fleance?
Act 3 Scene 4 Lines 164-172
~Why would Macbeth want to go see the witches again?
Act 4 Scene 1 Lines 48-177
~How would what Macbeth learns affect his confidence and decision making hereafter?
Act 5 Scene 3 Lines 1-11
Video Act 5 Scenes 5-7
Act 5 Scene 5 Lines 11-17, 50-57
~Why would Macbeth have lost his "taste of fears?"
    ~Why would Macbeth want the world to be "undone?"
Act 5 Scene 7 Lines 1-4
~Why does Macbeth feel "tied to the stake?"
Act 5 Scene 8 Lines 1-39
~What does it mean to live a "charmed life?"

Now that you have gone back over the text, what is driving Macbeth?  Is it just ambition? the witches? Lady Macbeth?

Finally, answer the big question: are Macbeth's actions due to Fate, or his own Free Will (Folly)?